Felix Romuliana

Fetislam Fortress

Senjski Rudnik  Coal Mining Museum

Concordia - Vršac City Museum

The Franciscan Monastery in Bač

Subotica synagogue

2018 European Year of Cultural Heritage

Church complex in Jablanica

Bač Fortress

The Pirot Fortress

The Golubac Fortress


In 2018, the Ministry of European Integration initiated a project aimed at digitising national cultural heritage to highlight the significance of the renovation of cultural monuments in the Republic of Serbia, as well as the importance of using EU funds in the field of culture and creativity. Through this activity, the Government of the Republic of Serbia joined the countries of the European Union that mark 2018 as the “European Year of Cultural Heritage”, by promoting the richness of cultural diversity, heritage and inter-cultural dialogue with the aim of stressing the importance of these areas for economic development and improvement of diplomatic and foreign policy relations.

Felix Romuliana

Felix Romuliana is an imperial palace located near Gamzigrad, in eastern Serbia, about 11 kilometers from Zaječar. This site is one of the best preserved Roman monuments in Serbia.


Fetislam Fortress

To the west of Kladovo, on the banks of the Danube, is the Fetislam fortress, which was built by the Ottoman Turks on the orders of Suleiman the Magnificent. The name Fetislam comes from the Turkish language and translates to “the gates of Islam”.


Senjski Rudnik Coal Mining Museum

The Senjski Rudnik Coal Mining Museum is a unique technical museum in the territory of Serbia, which displays the history of mining in Senjski Rudnik and other underground mines. It was founded in 1980 at the initiative of the mine’s administration, where it has remained to this day (Dark Coal Mine ‘Rembas’, Resavica).


Vršac City Museum

‘Concordia’ is the main building of the Vršac City Museum and a cultural monument of great importance. This building, named after the Roman goddess of harmony, has been reconstructed owing to the project ‘Home of Longevity for Cultural Treasury of Banat’.


The Franciscan Monastery in Bač

The monestery in Bač was buit in the 12th century by crusaders from the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem on the foundations of the previous cathedral, while additional constuction work lasted until the 18th century. After the fall of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, the crusaders stopped and the monestery of Bač became Franciscan in 1300 CR at the decree of the Hungarian King Andrew the Third Arpad. The buildings within the complex reflect Romaesque, Gothic, Renaissance, Islamic (the Church of the Assumption of the Vergin Mary was converted into the Suleiman Khan Mosque during the 16th and 17th centuries), Baroque and Classical architecture.


Subotica Synagogue

The renovation of the eastern façade of the Subotica Synagogue, funded from the Hungary-Serbia IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2007-2013, is one of the best examples of the use of European funds in the field of cultural cooperation and the first in a series that the Ministry decided to present in a digital edition.


Church complex in Jablanica

In the valley of the Jablanica river, hidden in the pine forest, near the highest point on the hill, there stands a log cabin church in the village of Jablanica, around 25 kilometers away from the center of Zlatibor. This church, built in the year 1838 and dedicated to the Shroud of the Holy Virgin, was the gathering place of people and a symbol of protection from Turks.


Bač Fortress

The project of reconstructing and conserving the Fortress in Bač that is under UNESCO protection was awarded the EU award for cultural heritage Europa Nostra 2018.  During the decade and a half of the restoration of this fortress, the European funds, through various projects, provided around 700,000 EUR.


The Pirot Fortress

The Pirot Fortress, among 10 most beautiful Serbian military fortifications, bore different names through different times. Turres (tower) in the 3rd and 4th century during the reign of the Roman Empire, then Pirgos, Thurib, Momcilo’s city, Kale, Fortress. Today, the most common name used for this fortification built during the rule of Prince Lazar is Kale or The Pirot Fortress.


The Golubac Fortress

The Fortress is undergoing restoration since 2014, which besides construction, conservation and restoration activities is including archeological excavations and development of the complex’ touristic potential as a unique offer within Danube region. The project “Revitalization of The Golubac Fortress” is financed through the national IPA program for Republic of Serbia for 2011, the support of Republic of Austria, and as well the national IPA program for 2016 with the total sum of 9,85 million Euros. 
